Retirement for beginners

The beginners guide to retirement part 12: Stress test your retirement plan

The beginners guide to retirement part 12: Stress test your retirement plan

he best retirements are planned. You know what you want to do in retirement. You know how much it will cost. You know how much you will need saved. Less surprises will mean less stress and a greater likelihood of outliving your money.

The problem is life doesn’t always work as planned. We may […..]

The beginners guide to retirement part 9: Do I need life insurance?

The beginners guide to retirement part 9: Do I need life insurance?

Life insurance deserves a topic of its own as it is such as a large amount of money. The cost of life insurance grows at a rapid rate once we hit the age of 50. Many of us don’t question this cost though. Yes, we know it is increasing, but many of us don’t believe we can […..]

The beginners guide to retirement part 8: Ten retirement myths

The beginners guide to retirement part 8: Ten retirement myths

Myth 1 - NZ Superannuation will not be around when you retire

Maybe, maybe not. It could still be available in 40 years but it may be modified. The age of retirement could be 70. There could be a tiered a structure, where the longer you delay […..]

The beginners guide to retirement part 6: The new retirement

The beginners guide to retirement part 6: The new retirement

The landscape for retirement is not the same as it used to be. James is retiring today (born in 1953) and has a life expectancy of 78 years. Kevin is born today and can expect to live to age 91.

James has just 13 years of retirement for his money to last. Kevin has almost double the time – 25 years. He needs […..]

The beginners guide to retirement part 4: Sequence of returns risk

The beginners guide to retirement part 4: Sequence of returns risk

Let me explain using two fictional employees – Mike and Jacob.  They worked for Megacorp Inc and were identical in all aspects of their job. They both started working at age 25 and both worked for 40 years. Their salary and salary growth were identical, along with their Kiwisaver contributions. They made the same investments with their savings during which they both earned […..]

The beginners guide to retirement part 2: When can I retire?

The beginners guide to retirement part 2: When can I retire?

If I am being honest, I never thought that early retirement used to even be a possibility on an average middle-class income. I thought we HAD TO go to university, get a job for 45 years and then retire. End of discussion.

But I am here to tell you early retirement is a definite possibility and I have […..]