Learning the wrong lessons from the stock market

Many investors over the last year have panicked about downward heading markets and have made sub optimal decisions.

Some have been so worried about the state of the economy that they have thrown their hands up in the air and withdrawn their investments out of the market completely.

But that is the wrong lesson to learn.

The lesson is not that markets are bad.

The lesson is that your investment plan is wrong.

A good plan accounts for down markets. They are expected.

Get your investment allocation and plan wrong and you may find yourself out of pocket by quite some significant amount.

The stock market is not a place for feelings.

Having a rock solid plan helps to take your feelings out of the picture, so you don’t make bad spur of the moment decisions that may cost you thousands of dollars.

The stock market is, and always will be, one of the greatest wealth building tools. Do not take away the wrong lessons when it stutters.

Learn to ride the waves. Your best chance of doing this is having a solid plan.

Many got knocked out by the 1987 crash and vowed never to return to the markets. Think how much in gains they have missed out on by sitting on the sidelines.

The 1987 drop hardly noticeable once you zoom out.

If you need help setting an investment plan for your accumulation or decumulation, then I am here to help.


If you need an investment plan or recommendations , then get in touch today.


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