The less materialistic you are, the more idealistic you can be

A lot of people dismiss financial independence as something that is not for them. Many see it as deprivation. Not living for today.

financial independence provides options you wouldn’t otherwise have

But I firmly believe it is the best of both worlds. Living for today and tomorrow. By saving more and spending less you get to live your best life not just now, but also later. Whereas if you spend it all you only get to enjoy life now.

I would even argue spending all your money is not living your best life anyway. Because it still means you have to show up to work every day to pay for your life. You have no out. No escape.

Savings and financial independence provide that escape hatch so you can live a more fulfilled life sooner. One that isn’t dictated by someone else’s schedule, but on your own terms doing what you love the most.

The less materialistic you are, the more idealistic you can be.

Be bold and live your dreams. Start doing those things that you couldn’t without the available time, or with being so reliant on regular income.

Savings provide options and a life with options is a good life in my view.

Far better than being trapped, and I will never regret the day in my early 30’s that I decided to take saving and investing seriously.

A decade later and I am forever thankful for that young man and the decision he made to make a play for financial independence. For now I get to enjoy today without as much worry for tomorrow.

The information contained on this site is the opinion of the individual author(s) based on their personal opinions, observation, research, and years of experience. The information offered by this website is general education only and is not meant to be taken as individualised financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, or any other kind of advice. You can read more of my disclaimer here