A rich life

In my earlier years as an impressionable young adult, my idea of success was having a massive house, nice car and all the best gadgets. It also meant having the best job which I thought was at the top of the corporate ladder.

The same can’t be said for everyone, but somewhere along the line I changed my opinion of success. Success now to me means having the ability to live life slowly and freely. Where time spent is dictated by us (the family).

a rich life full of time

I honestly couldn’t care less about climbing the corporate ladder at this stage. In fact, I’d turn it down if it meant more hours in the office and more responsibility. It is in direct contrast to what I want my life to look like. At this stage of my career, I am striving for as much work/life balance as I can get.

Buying the largest house, the best car and everything else under the sun won’t get me that much needed balance. All that will do is chain me to a lifetime of corporate servitude. That is not success to me. Many people can’t seem to break that chain though. As incomes increase, so do our lifestyles with no dents made into our savings accounts.

Some people can have it all. All the trimmings and a good work/life balance. But my income will never be at that level. So like many others, I have a choice to make. Look rich or be rich. I choose the latter. My success is my success. I couldn’t care what others think of me and it is this attitude that allows me to not worry about status games.

The same could not have been said for the younger version of myself. Thankfully though, I have found the importance of saving money to buy time and freedom. It came at a time before I had kids, and now we are in a position to make the most of that time together as a young family before it is too late.

I am looking forward greatly to soon being able to cash in on our work to date, and live our version of a rich life. No, that is not possessions. Rather an abundance of time doing the things we love the most.

If you need help with optimising your lifestyle, then get in touch today.

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