Early retirement is not as extreme as you think

Every so often there will be an article released about how someone retired early, along with a multitude of public comments about why it can’t be done.

“Couple leave work to travel in RV full time”

“Man ditches the 9 to 5 to live in a caravan”

“Women retires at 30 by saving 80% of her income”

“Couple retire early after building up three million dollar property portfolio”

Early retirement is achievable

These aren’t real headlines, but they are typical of retirement stories. They are exciting. They get clicks. But they don’t work for the majority. Most of us don’t want to live in a caravan or RV. Most of us don’t want to save so much money that it becomes too much of a sacrifice.

That’s why when you read these it is easy to think financial freedom isn’t for you. I don’t want those things either.

But guess what? There are other more unglamorous ways to achieve early retirement. Not as sexy. Doesn’t get headlines, but much better suited to the majority. Maybe a slower path is more appealing to the masses. “Man retires at 55” doesn’t make the news, but it sure as heck is a great achievement that is much more relatable.

On top of this we hear from certain segments of the media how we need over a million dollars to retire. Some people will need at least that amount yes. But not everyone does.

Don’t rule out early retirement BECAUSE IT IS UNRELATABLE

I fear many people are ruling out the beauty of financial freedom because all these stories are so unrelatable and undesirable. Then excuses are given as to how it can’t be done. But just because a certain story may not be your ideal, doesn’t mean financial freedom isn’t for you. I think everyone should want financial freedom. Even if you don’t want early retirement, who doesn’t like options over how we spend our time?

You don’t have to eat cat food for the rest of your life. You don’t have to retire to a caravan. You don’t have to have $2 million dollars. All these are the extremes. Find a healthy middle ground that is more applicable to you. There are many roads to financial independence, and the best thing is you can pick the one that best suits you. Don’t dismiss financial freedom at face value or think of reasons why not. Instead think how.

If you need help with your personal retirement planning, then get in touch today.

The information contained on this site is the opinion of the individual author(s) based on their personal opinions, observation, research, and years of experience. The information offered by this website is general education only and is not meant to be taken as individualised financial advice, legal advice, tax advice, or any other kind of advice. You can read more of my disclaimer here